“Dr. Tyna, what about XYZ condition? What do I take for that?”
I feel like my answer makes me sound like a robot at this point.
Whether you are trying to make yourself harder to kill from Rona to whether you have high blood pressure to whether you are going through menopause and the hot flashes just won’t quit, at the end of the day it all comes down to your overall metabolic health.
Cognition issues? Depression? Acne? PCOS?
Sleep issues? Fatigue? Anxiety?
Breast cancer? Other cancers?
ADHD? Hypothyroid? Vertigo?
Arthritis? Osteoporosis?
Hashimotos? Rheumatoid arthritis? Lupus?
High cholesterol? High triglycerides? High LDL?
I could go on….
Bottom line: EVERY issue I’ve listed above has, as at least in PART of it’s root cause, a STRONG connection to metabolic dysfunction.
Your metabolism and your immune system are two sides of the SAME COIN.
I’m not going to get into the weeds on the WHY right now, but I will offer you starting point of a solution.
Are you ready?
It’s not sexy and it’s not popular, because it requires effort and work:
Lift weights
Get adequate animal protein
Get 6-8 hours of sleep a night
Have a mindfulness/meditation practice
Sweat most days
Have a nutritiously dense diet
Walk daily
Have purpose
Avoid alcohol
Avoid refined sugar & sweets
“Yeah, Dr. Tyna, I’m doing ALL of that and I’m not better!”
But are you REALLY?
Are you really going to bed and getting up at the same time every night?
Are you really lifting weights 3 x week? If you are and it’s not working, are you following a program, lifting to failure and know what you’re doing in the gym?
Are you really taking a walk daily?
Are you really sweating 5 out of 7 days a week?
Are you really finding time for stress reduction/mindfulness/meditation?
Are you drinking alcohol weekly? Several times a week?
Are you really drinking enough fluids?
Are you really getting enough protein and nutrients?
Are you really doing “ALL the things”?
And if you ARE, have you considered that you may need to hire help?
You very well may need a GOOD coach for your training, you may need to hire a few before finding the right one.
You very well may need a GOOD Naturopathic or functional medicine doctor (who actually knows what they are going. You likely WILL not find this inside the insurance model and will need to pay out of pocket. You may likely need to travel or consult over telemed. The chances of you finding help inside your insurance panel from an allopathic MD are slim and none.
You may very well need some hormones. Hormonal support is not the evil rabbit hole it’s made out to be. Strategic dosing of physiologic levels of hormones can be a complete game changer for many. And often necessary, especially over the age of 40. A little thyroid and/or progesterone and/or adrenal support can be a life saver.
You may need nutritional support with targeted supplements and nutrients and herbs.
You very well may need to quit your job you hate, or leave your spouse you fight with constantly. You may need to kick your adult child out of your house that is causing you massive stress.
“But Dr. Tyna, I have mold sickness and Lyme and I’m in menopause and X,Y & Z!”
Yes, I understand. And the SAME rules apply, even MORE so. With tougher to treat conditions comes the need to double down HARD on the above if you want to move the dial.
This is a slow and steady complete lifestyle overhaul.
I also understand how daunting and challenging it can be.
But I will tell you this, because few others will, NOTHING will get you better until you undertake this overhaul, piece by piece, item by item. It’s a challenge, I understand, but there’s no short cuts on this.
I’m not saying that the above will fix it all. But without the above, NOTHING will work for very long.
Pills and potions and hormones will only get you so far, however. Without doing all the lifestyle work listed above, none of it sticks.
If anyone tells you differently, that it can be done without addressing your metabolism at the core, and thus your lifestyle, they’re either lying or ignorant or both.