Optimizing Your Terrain
Because sickness doesn't glom on to a healthy terrain as readily
THREE BASICS to optimizing your terrain so nasty sickness doesn’t take hold as readily:
SLEEP: We NEED 6-8 hours of sleep a night. This is non-negotiable in my book. Anything that disrupts my sleep is out. Alcohol screws up sleep.
REST: We MUST rest. Rest is critical. I'm talking a few minutes of lying down a day. Power naps. Try lying down for 10-20 min a day, set a timer and watch it change your life.
SPARK: We are batteries and we REQUIRE sparks! How to do this? Exercise. Or sauna. Or sex. SOMETHING to "spark" your body into being alive. I could talk hormesis and cortisol and heat shock proteins and benefits of exercise, but the bottom line is that you need to get your butt in gear and MOVE somehow to get warm and spark your system.
As my wise mentor Dr. Rick Marinelli always said: MOVE YOUR BUNS AROUND.
Having trouble falling asleep and having trouble staying asleep are two different beasts. I won't even discuss sleep with a patient until I hear that they are exercising daily. And not a lot, just a little does it. But movement is the key to success here. We are fancy mammals, we were meant to MOVE.
We are building the foundations of a resilient health house, one that won't blow over in the current winds I'm watching outside my window.
NO amount of supplements, shots, or even good nutrition will help much if these basics are not dialed in.