The Irony: Ivermectin Tested for Adverse Vaccine Effects
Spike Proteins Make Your Red Blood Cells Clump, IVM Helps
I laughed out loud when I saw this. Then I read it to my daughter and she laughed out loud.
We weren’t laughing at the vaccine injured, btw, that’s not funny at all. We are laughing at the ridiculous irony of the situation.
First they vilify the drug because it’s cheap and effective, and really because they couldn’t push an EUA on an experimental gene therapy if there was a viable therapeutic available that worked against Covid. Go figure.
This is my opinion on why they came down so hard on hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Couldn’t get their gene therapy through if there was already medications that worked.
Now they are testing it against hemagglutination due to adverse effects from the vaccine, ultimately due to the spike protein in this case.
What is hemagglutination? It’s when your red blood cells clump up.
Turns out the spike protein induces hemagglutination and the vaccine turns one into a spike protein factory for a time being (an unknown amount of time, to be exact).