In this fascinating conversation, we sit down with Dr. Jason Conviser of Power Plate to explore the intriguing world of vibrational plate therapy. We examine the science behind it, discussing its ability to improve resting metabolic rate, bone density, hormonal balance, and even decrease cortisol. Dr. Conviser shares his personal experience of how it's been beneficial for his family and patients.
From boosting performance, to stimulating hormones, improving bone density and so much more, learn how vibration plate therapy can assist with preparation, performance, and recovery.
LINK TO SAVE! If you want to try Power Plate, you can get 25% off during their Black Friday Sale with code DRTYNA (or 20% off after the sale)
On This Episode We Cover:
0:09:22 - Benefits of Vibration Plate for Exercise
0:17:01 - Efficient Warm-Up Time With Vibrations
0:21:20 - Isometric Contraction and Muscle Vibration
0:25:57 - Vibration Platform Benefits and Simplicity
0:37:07 - Vibrations' Impact on Hormones and Stress
0:45:17 - Balancing Life and Fitness With Tools
0:49:07 - Vibration for Better Health
Check Out Dr. Conviser and Power Plate
Power Plate - Use code DRTYNA for a discount
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Further Listening:
EP. 53: Training for Life | Robert Linkul
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